Listed SMEs optimistic on business climate

By Chen Xia
0 CommentsPrint E-mail, October 12, 2010
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More than 80 percent of companies on the Shenzhen SME board have issued optimistic business forecasts, while on the Chinext Growth Enterprise board only four companies warned of worsening prospects.

According to Wind Info, 787 companies have so far released quarterly reports. Of these, 432 made optimistic forecasts, while 67 were downbeat about the future.

Of 106 mechanical equipment companies, over 80 percent made optimistic forecasts and 29 said they expected their annual growth to exceed 50 percent.

Forecasts in the mechanical equipment and electronic device sectors are generally upbeat. The economic recovery has seen sales rebound, and most firms in these sectors have seen growth in each of the past three months.

Most companies on the SME board performed well over the past three months according to reports released so far.

The electronics industry has experienced robust growth since the beginning of the year as foreign trade picked up and domestic demand remained strong.

China's business press carried the story above on Tuesday. has not checked the stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.

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