Q: How can I tell if an antique is genuine or not?
A: Neither the State Administration of Cultural Heritage nor any other government department regulates cultural relic identification agencies. So owners of antiques and potential purchasers should use their own judgment when choosing an agency.
Two popular agencies are:
Beijing Dongbo Identity Center of Culture Relics
Tel: (010) 8766 5263/8766 3593
Address: Room 535, Building A, No.19, Dongsanhuan Nanlu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Web: http://www.klchw.com/
Bowan Identity Center of Culture Relics
Tel: (010) 5209 1148
Address: Bei Qi Building, No.25, Dongsanhuan Nanlu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
(China.org.cn March 11, 2009)