Experts from the Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Health
and China Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association
as well as corporate representatives held an AC and Healthy Indoors
Environment Summit recently. This was an important seminar on
ventilation standards in China where ventilation standards and
relevant management methods were researched.
As is well known, safety operation standards for AC directly
affect the product line of manufacturers as well as the maintenance
cost of users. And such a standard is hopefully to be set as a
compulsory industry standard for centralized air conditioning in
all large shopping malls, hotels and office buildings. Thus, all
experts and enterprise representatives deliberated on how to
improve its feasibility and cost-effectiveness. Yadu Technology Ltd
Com. unveiled its solution at the summit. He Lumin, president of
Yadu, said that the key for healthy AC is a fresh air replacement
system. But in view of China's national condition, a cost-saving
fresh air replacement solution must be given top priority in
drafting a standard.
In order to save investment and maintenance costs, the design
and operation of central air conditioners used to neglect fresh air
replacement. Moreover, "less fresh air" has been applied as an
effective measure to streamline system investment costs. For
example, a supermarket covering 10,000 square meters, will pay 50%
extra power fees once it meets the standard of 30 cubic meters
fresh air per capita per hour, relative to 10% less fresh air in
total ventilation as is usual. Not least the system alternation
costs. He Lumin said that Yadu has been dedicated to developing a
solution to reduce system alternation and operation costs. Yadu's
solution for a fresh air replacement unit employs heat recycling
and energy compensation technology. Users make almost no change to
the original system and will only have a 15 percent operation cost
( by Alex Xu September 15, 2003)