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Member Profile: He Meiying
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Deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members come from all parts of China and from many walks of life. For some, this will be their first national congress to serve for five years as a representative for the people of their area. For others, it will be business as usual, in a changing China. To find out how the people of China are best served by their chosen representatives, China.org.cn takes a close-up look at these people and what concerns they have for the China of today.

Here we meet Tsinghua University Professor He Meiying.

Q: Which group of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) do you belong to?

A: I am from the Education Group of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). I was first elected to the Committee.

Q: What is your profession?

A: I teach in Tsinghua University.

Q: What is the issue of most concern to people in your area of China?

A: The development of the country, especially in terms of education and for instance, the educational budget.

Q: What proposals have you made, or what did you hope to accomplish at this session?

A: My proposal is related to educational funding - still an important problem that prevents the development of universities.

Q: When the conference is not in session, how do you exercise your responsibilities as a CPPCC member?

A: I research, investigate and write up educational issues, and then review the essential opinions on the matter and make suggestions for the promotion of possible solutions.

Q: Where do you think improvements need to be made?

A: There should be increased investment in education.

Q: Of the new government, what are you hopes?

A: I hope that they begin to tackle issues from the grassroots up.

(China.org.cn by staff reporter Dai Fan, March 7, 2003)

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