With a running time of 7,500 minutes across 500 episodes,
Cat and Naughty Mouse 3,000 Whys" outruns the original record
holder, the US-made cartoon
"The Simpsons," which had a
total of 242 episodes.
The cartoon, produced by Hunan Sunchime Film Studio Development
Corporation, aims to popularize scientific knowledge by answering
one scientific question in each of its planned 3,000 episodes.
The announcement was made by the Shanghai branch of the Guinness
Book of Records at the opening ceremony of "Kids World 2001 China",
also known as the third International Cartoon Exposition, opened
yesterday at the Beijing Exhibition Center.
The five-day exposition aims to promote international exchange and
cooperation in cartoon production.
The exposition, attended by hundreds of cartoon producers,
publishers and related companies, will show the best cartoons
produced in the past two years, the latest production technology
and the role of the Internet in the art form. More than 50 cartoons
produced will be shown on China's Central Television.
(Xinhua News Agency