UN chief urges int'l community to find common ground on Syria

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, August 10, 2012
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UN chief urges int'l community to find common ground on Syria

UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) -- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on the international community to find common ground on the Syrian crisis in order to help the country end violence and initiate a political process, Martin Nesirky, Ban's spokesperson said here Thursday.

In a message sent to a consultative meeting on Syria held Thursday in Tehran, Iran, Ban said that the Geneva communique agreed by the Action Group meeting of major world powers on June 30 should lead Syria to realize genuine pluralism and democracy. However, there has been no follow-through since then.

Now the international community must again find common ground. The important work that joint special envoy Kofi Annan has undertaken must continue," Ban said in the message delivered by Consuelo Vidal-Bruce, resident coordinator in Iran. "There are clear common interests among regional and international powers in a managed political transition."

Ban called for countries with influence over the actors on the ground in Syria to make collective efforts to press upon the parties that a political solution is essential.

He urged the Syrian government to take first move to embrace a political transition, saying its intransigence and refusal to implement the six-point peace plan has been the greatest obstacle to any peaceful political process. Meanwhile, he also asked the opposition to be more forthcoming in favor of opportunities for a political solution.

"Most importantly and urgently, all sides must protect civilians and abide by their obligations under international human rights and humanitarian law," Ban said.

The Tehran meeting was attended by representatives of more than 20 countries. Enditem

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