President: China will ensure SCO summit's success

Xinhua, May 12, 2012

China will make its utmost efforts to ensure the success of the Beijing summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), President Hu Jintao said Friday.

Hu made the pledge during a meeting with foreign ministers from the SCO member states of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

"The Beijing summit, slated for June, is an important meeting in terms of inheriting past traditions and breaking new ground," Hu said, adding that China will prepare well for the meeting and enhance its contact with other members.

He said the SCO has grown into an important force in the region, adding that all members should strive to bolster cooperation in multiple fields.

"In this way, the SCO can become a reliable security defender and effective cooperation platform for all member states, help to safeguard their common interests and promote regional prosperity," he said.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, on behalf of the other foreign ministers, said the ministers have sufficiently prepared for the summit during their meeting in Beijing.

The meeting's results, including a mid-term development strategy for the SCO, will be submitted to relevant heads of state, Lavrov said.