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Film business booms at Cannes

The cinema business is roaring back to life at Cannes after a prolonged bout of gloom, finding renewed strength in money from China, the return of Hollywood studios and the pulling power of A-list stars, Reuters reports. 据路透社报道,经历长时间低迷之后,戛纳的电影交易爆发生机:中国再次彰显资金威力,好莱坞电影公司回归,一线明星的到来引起广泛关注。
Movie executives say distributors are spending more freely on new projects. 电影公司的管理人士表示,发行公司如今对新项目的投资更加慷慨。
Mike Lang, chief executive of Miramax, said: "Over the next 10 years I think you will see something much bigger than what we saw over the last 20 years. There are more pay TV channels, emerging markets etc, and we have not even talked about China." 米拉麦克斯总裁迈克•朗说:“我想在未来10年,你看到的局面要比你过去20年看到的局面大得多。我们会看到更多的付费频道和新兴市场,中国就更别提了。”
Hollywood studios are leading the charge with the Weinstein Co. snapping up rights to a biopic on Margaret Thatcher, a French silent movie called "The Artist" and Chinese martial arts epic "Wu Xia".  好莱坞在电影交易中一路领先,光温斯坦影业就一口气买下了玛格丽特•撒切尔传记片《铁娘子》、法国无声电影《艺术家》和中国武打史诗片《武侠》的发行权。

For US studio Fabrication Films, which produces small and medium budget genre films, the biggest windfall this year has come from Chinese buyers willing to snap up entire film libraries to be marketed online.


(China.org.cn May 18, 2011)
