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Experts clean oil-tainted bird

Bird rescue experts clean a nearly three-year-old brown pelican in the Mexico Gulf wildlife rehabilitation center at Fort Jackson, south Louisiana, the United States, May 25, 2010.

Bird rescue experts clean a nearly three-year-old brown pelican in the Mexico Gulf wildlife rehabilitation center at Fort Jackson, south Louisiana, the United States, May 25, 2010. [Xinhua]

Bird rescue experts cleaned a nearly three-year-old brown pelican in the Mexico Gulf wildlife rehabilitation center at Fort Jackson, south Louisiana, the United States, May 25, 2010.


BP started a so-called "top kill" operation Wednesday afternoon in an attempt to plug a undersea gusher in the Gulf of Mexico.


Bird rescue experts are trying their best to save those oil-tainted creatures.

Bird rescue experts clean a nearly three-year-old brown pelican in the Mexico Gulf wildlife rehabilitation center at Fort Jackson, south Louisiana, the United States, May 25, 2010. [Xinhua]

Bird rescue experts clean a nearly three-year-old brown pelican in the Mexico Gulf wildlife rehabilitation center at Fort Jackson, south Louisiana, the United States, May 25, 2010. [Xinhua]