The Chinese Basketball Association has dubbed NBA star Yao Ming
China's most influential athlete ever, and urged others to learn
from his professionalism.
"Yao Ming is the most internationally influential athlete in the
history of Chinese sports," Xinhua news agency quoted the
association as saying in a statement. "What he has achieved was
based on his hard work, wisdom and professionalism."
The report said officials were not pressing Yao, who is
recuperating in Shanghai following a foot injury, to play for China
in the World Championships in Japan next month.
"We will by no means urge him to play the World Championship in
Japan," Li Yuanwei, commissioner of the association, was quoted as
saying yesterday. "We do not want him to take any risk. He can take
his time in recuperation."
The 2.29-meter Yao broke the fifth metatarsal bone in his foot
on April 10 in the US state of Utah, and had surgery four days
later. Doctors have ordered him not to play basketball until August
The tournament starts in Japan on August 19. Yao said two weeks
ago that his chances of playing in it were 50-50.
He said he will definitely be ready to play by the time the
Houston Rockets open training camp in October.
(AP via Shenzhen Daily June 28, 2006)