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USA Pavilion ready to go

By Susan Tart
China.org.cn staff reporter

Martin Alintuck, director of communications for the USA Pavilion 美国馆公共关系负责人马丁•阿林图科
Martin Alintuck, director of communications for the USA Pavilion


The drama is over. The U.S. not only will be participating in the World Expo, but it will be participating at full speed when the Expo opens Saturday. 准备工作结束了。美国不仅要参加这届世博会,而且要在周六世博开园时全力以赴地参与世博会。
"We're gonna be ready. We were actually one of the last to start, but we're going to be one of the first to finish," said Martin Alintuck, director of communications for the USA Pavilion. “我们准备好了。我们的场馆是开工修建时间比较靠后的一个场馆,却是最先完成的场馆之一。”美国馆公共关系负责人马丁•阿林图科表示。
After a grim start and what looked to be a no-show for the U.S. at the 2010 Expo, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made it her personal mission to attract global sponsors not too affected by the economic crisis to raise funds for a pavilion. During the Expo's trial opening earlier this week, the USA Pavilion was among the most-visited sites. 美国参展起初很不乐观,曾一度有传言说“美国可能缺席2010年世博会”。后来,美国国务卿希拉里把为美国馆筹款视为自己的使命,呼吁那些受经济危机影响不大的赞助商慷慨解囊。在世博园试运行的这一周,美国馆成为游客们所青睐的热门场馆之一。
Many of the pavilions are still being constructed and have a long way to go before being ready to receive guests. Alintuck says the biggest hurdle for the US now is to put on a great presentation and "not just have a building, but also create an experience that's going to be special for so many people." 很多场馆仍在建设之中,接待游客还需要一段时间。阿林图科认为美国馆现在遇到的最大障碍是如何有一个宏伟的亮相:美国馆不仅仅要呈现一个建筑,而且要让来这里的人们得到一种特殊的体验。
That will no doubt be difficult with this year's competition. Countries and organizations are going all-out to impress visitors, doing everything from giving away free diamonds to building a ski lift ride. 面对今年的竞争,要实现这种想法无疑是有一定难度的。很多国家和国际组织都在采取一切办法来吸引游客,如提供免费钻石或者建滑雪道之类。
While the U.S. prefers to keep its program a surprise for visitors, Alintuck promises lots of cultural and musical acts throughout the next six months, including high-level visits from government officials. He believes this year's Expo even has the potential to change the future. 美国还是希望把节目的惊喜留给游客,但阿林图科保证接下来的六个月里,很多的文化和音乐活动将在美国馆上演,其中还包括很多高层政府官员的访问。他认为今年的世博会很有可能改变未来。
"I think it's always going to be a challenge to participate," he said, referring to the 1994 legislation passed by Congress that forbids the State Department to spend money on the Expo. "But if our participation in the Shanghai Expo is as good as I think it's going to be, I think there's going to be a lot of momentum to just build on this and improve and make an even better one next time."


(China.org.cn 张明爱 译)

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