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Fighting Against the Worst Flood (2002)
Huaihe River Level Rises to Record High amid Flood Fears

The Huaihe River water level around Wangjiaba hydrological station rose to a record high of 28.86 meters Friday morning and is still rising, says the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters.

Water levels in the major hydrological stations in the mainstream of the Huaihe River still exceed the flood warning line by 1.51 to 3.14 meters.

Anti-flood task forces had been dispatched to supervise four flood diversion measures in addition to strengthening the embankments, said Wang Shucheng, Minister of Water Resources and vice-director of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters.

The flood diversion channel around Wangjiaba hydrological station, was once again opened at 2:36 a.m. Friday into the Mengwa flood diversion area.

Other steps included: using the 18 huge reservoirs in the Huaihe reaches, of which eight will influence floodwater in the mainstream; continuing to use other flood diversion areas; and increasing Hongze Lake's outflow.

Though the four measures would help relieve flood pressure, the mainstream embankments need strengthening after days of saturation, said Wang.

(Xinhua News Agency July 12, 2003)


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