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Removal of Anti-dumping Duties on Chinese Lightbulbs Proposed
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The European Commission is set to propose an end to the five-year anti-dumping duties on Chinese energy-saving lightbulbs, a spokesman said on Thursday.


A group of trade experts at the EU's executive body have been debating whether to drop the anti-dumping duties for several months as the trade defense measure against lightbulbs made in China was introduced for five years in 2001.


Peter Power, a spokesman for EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson, said a majority of specialists support the end to the anti-dumping duties as the five-year period has expired.


"The outcome of the discussions puts the commission in a position to proceed with a formal proposal to end the duties," he said.


Some European bulb makers have been pressing had for a renewal of the duties for another five years, but the measure was criticized by environmentalists as unjustified in EU's fight against global warming.


EU member states will give a final say to the issue, based on the commission's proposal.


The 27-nation bloc has launched a review of its trade defense policy, notably anti-duping measures. As an increasing number of EU companies now invest in China, the EU wants to have a second thought on whether such measures would hurt its own interests.     


(Xinhua News Agency July 27, 2007)

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