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Aceh Tsunami Victims Moving into "China-Indonesia Friendship Village"
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Hundreds of houses with red roof and yellow wall are bathing under the summer sunshine at a small hill facing the sea in this Indonesian city of Banda Aceh.

The hand-over ceremony of "China-Indonesia friendship village" donated by Chinese Charity Association and Chinese Red Cross Association to Aceh tsunami victims was held here on Thursday.

In his speech, President of Chinese Charity Association Fan Baojun said that the Chinese people gave their biggest non-governmental donations in the history which amounted to US$90 million within one month after the Indian Ocean tsunami in year 2004. The two Chinese charities sent US$13 million to build the China-Indonesia friendship village in the worst-hit region, Banda Aceh.

"Today, in front of us, 606 units houses with beautiful sea view become true, it means that our tsunami victims can live a new life with new house," he said.

Vice Governor of Aceh Muhanmad Nazar reminded hundreds of tsunami victims, who will move into the village, of taking good care of all the buildings and facilities, saying "We cannot let the Chinese donators down".

The village is praised not only for its high quality but also various facilities like mesjid, school, market, sport ground and so on.

"The houses here are perfect, I am very happy that I will pray in the mesjid just hundreds of meters away from my future home, and my son can play with his friends on the football and basketball ground," a woman Malia said.

An Chinese ethic Indonesian woman Wu Xianzhen cannot stop laughing after receiving keys of her new house as a representative of tsunami victims.

Wu, who lost her husband and two kids, said: "A house is the base of life, so I finally can live in my own house again and look for a better live".

(Xinhua News Agency July 20, 2007)

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