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W. House, Congress Showdown Escalates
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The Bush administration is urging a former White House political director to ignore a subpoena and not testify before Congress about the firings of federal prosecutors, her lawyer says.

The fight involves the investigation by Democratic lawmakers into the firings of several US attorneys. The lawmakers want to know whether the White House improperly ordered the dismissals to promote a Republican political agenda.

The investigation has expanded to include scrutiny of the administration's terrorism-era warrantees wiretapping and Attorney-General Alberto Gonzales' stewardship of the Justice Department.

The Senate Judiciary Committee wants to hear from former White House political director Sara Taylor at its hearing on Wednesday and she is willing to talk. Testifying, however, would defy the wishes of President George W. Bush, "a person whom she admires and for whom she has worked tirelessly for years," lawyer W. Neil Eggleston said.

Eggleston stated, in a letter last weekend to committee leaders and White House counsel Fred Fielding, that Taylor expects a letter from Fielding asking her not to comply with the subpoena.

"In our view, it is unfair to Ms Taylor that this constitutional struggle might be played out with her as the object of an unseemly tug of war," Eggleston wrote.

He added, "Absent the direction from the White House, Ms Taylor would testify without hesitation before the Senate Judiciary Committee. She has committed no wrongdoing. She will assert no personal privileges."

The committee chairman, Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy, said he expects Taylor to testify.

"It is unfortunate that the White House is trying to interfere with Ms Taylor's testimony before the Senate and with Congress' responsibility to get to the truth behind the unprecedented firings of several US attorneys," Leahy said in a statement.

Lawmakers have given the White House until today to explain why the White House claimed executive privilege on subpoenaed documents related to the congressional investigation. Lawmakers also want an accounting of documents being withheld.

The Washington Post, citing unidentified sources, reported Sunday that Fielding was expected to tell lawmakers that he already has provided the legal basis for the executive privilege claims and does not intend to hand over the documentation sought.

Without an agreement on the subpoenaed documents, the dispute appears to be heading toward contempt citations and, possibly, a constitutional showdown in federal court.

(China Daily via agencies July 9, 2007)

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