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Senegal Court Confirms Re-election of President Wade
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Senegal's Constitutional Court confirmed on Sunday the victory of incumbent President Abdoulaye Wade in last month's elections, rejecting his opponents' claim the result was rigged.

The court's chief clerk, Mbeye Maguette Mbengue, told the press that Wade had been proclaimed president of the West African country.

The country's highest court on electoral matters said Wade won with 1,914,403 votes, or 55.9 percent of valid votes.

Wade's opponents, including Ousmane Tanor Dieng of the Socialist Party and Abdoulaye Bathily of the Demorcatic League, had questioned the election outcome, saying it was rigged.

Dieng and Bathily lodged appeals to the court, but they were dismissed.

In the February polls, Dieng came in third with 13.56 percent of the votes, while Bathily mustered 2.21 percent.

(Xinhua News Agency March 12, 2007)

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