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Dì sí shí liù kè běi jīng de dōng tiān
Lesson Forty-six Winter in Beijing

The Beijing winter is cold, but it is also beautiful. Close your eyes and try to picture the snow-covered roofs of the Forbidden City; or a light frost blanketing the rustic grounds of the Temple of Heaven, or people braving the winds for a bowl of steaming hot soybean milk before heading off to work amid a steady stream of taxis and bicycles.

Lì li: Tiān qì yuè lái yuè lěng le. Wŏ yào qù măi jĭ jiàn guò dōng de yī fu.
丽丽: 天气越来越冷了,我要去买几件过冬的衣服。
Lili: It is getting cold. I'm going to buy some winter clothes.
Mài kè: Wŏ hé nĭ yì qĭ qù ba. Wŏ zhèng xiăng măi yí jiàn yǔ róng fú ne.
麦克: 我和你一起去吧。我正想买一件羽绒服呢。
Mike: I'll go with you. I was just thinking of buying a down-padded anorak.
Lì li: Wŏ yào măi de dōng xi kě bù shăo ne: dà yī, máo yī, wéi jīn, shŏu tào děng děng.
丽丽: 我要买的东西可不少呢:大衣、毛衣、围巾、手套等等。
Lili: I have quite a lot of things to buy: a coat, wool sweater, scarf and gloves.
Mài kè: Xiàn zài zăo wăn wēn chā hěn dà, rén men hěn róng yì găn mào.
麦克: 现在早晚温差很大,人们很容易感冒。
Mike: Temperature differences between day and night are big now. It's easy to catch a cold.
Lì li: Shì de, wŏ men yào zhù yì băo nuăn, hái yào zēng jiā hù wài huó dòng.
丽丽: 是的,我们要注意保暖,还要增加户外活动。
Lili: Yes, which is why we should wrap up warm. At the same time, we should do more outdoor activities.
Mài kè: Běi jīng de dōng tiān jīng cháng xià xuě ba?
麦克: 北京的冬天经常下雪吧?
Mike: It often snows in winter in Beijing, doesn't it?
Lì li: Shì de. Dě xià xuě zhī hòu wŏ men yì qĭ qù huá xuě liū bīng ba.
丽丽: 是的。等下雪之后我们一起去滑雪溜冰吧。
Lili: Yes, it does. We should go skiing and ice-skating together when it snows.
Mài ke: Hăo de, bú guò wŏ hěn pà lěng. Xiàn zài wū zi lĭ tài lěng le.
麦克: 好的,不过我很怕冷。现在屋子里太冷了。
Mike: OK, but I am quite afraid of the cold. Even in the room now, it is too cold.
Li li: Guò jĭ tiān chéng lĭ jiù tŏng yī gōng nuăn le, dào shí wū zi lĭ huì hěn nuăn huo.
丽丽: 过几天城里就统一供暖了,到时屋子里会很暖和。
Lili: The city's central heating will be turned on in a few days. Things will be much warmer then.
Mai ke: Tài hăo le. Duì le, nĭ men zài dōng jì xĭ huan chī shén me?
麦克: 太好了。对了,你们在冬季喜欢吃什么?
Mike: That's good to know! By the way, what kind of food do you like to eat in the winter?
Li li: Wŏ men xĭ huan chī shuàn huŏ guō, kě yĭ qū hán băo nuăn.
丽丽: 我们喜欢吃涮火锅,可以驱寒保暖。
Lili: We like the meat and vegetable hotpot. It really helps us to keep warm.
Mai ke: Tīng shàng qù bú cuò, wŏ yí dìng yào pĭn cháng yí xià.
麦克: 听上去不错,我一定要品尝一下。
Mike: That sounds delicious. I must taste it.
衣服 yī fuclothes 羽绒服 yǔ róng fúdown-padded anorak
大衣 dà yī coat 毛衣 máo yīwool sweater
围巾 wéi jīnscarf 手套 shŏu tàogloves
温差 wēn chātemperature difference 保暖 băo nuănto keep warm (see驱寒)
户外 hù wàioutdoors 活动 huó dònactivity
滑雪 huá xuěto ski; skiing 溜冰 liū bīngto skate; skating
供暖 gōng nuăncentral heating 涮火锅 shuàn huŏ guōmeat and vegetable hotpot
驱寒 qū hánto keep warm (see保暖) 品尝 pĭn chángto taste
Běi jīng de jié
Běi jīng nián yŏu . Sān yuè zhì yuè shì chūn
, zhè shì měi hăo de jié , chūn nuăn huā
kāi , dàn fēng shā hěn . Shā chén bào duì běi jīng rén
lái shuō jīng shì shén me shēng de dōng xi le .
Xià tiān cóng liù yuè dào yuè, tiān hěn , xià
shí hăo xiē , dàn hòu yòu yòu cháo shī . Rén men
zhěng tiān zhe săn , fáng shài yòu dăng . duō rén
kāi zhe kōng tiáo duŏ zài jiā .
Běi jīng zuì hăo de jié shì qiū , cóng jiŭ yuè fèn
kāi shĭ dào shí yuè fèn , kōng qīng shuăng , shì
yíng , shān yóu .
Dōng tiān cóng shí èr yuè dào èr yuè , fēi cháng lěng , jīng
cháng xià xuě .
Rén men zài tóng de jié yŏu tóng de huó dòng .
Dōng tiān , rén men chén jìn zài bīng xuě de shì jiè zhōng ,
huá xuě , liū bīng , duī xuě rén , xuě zhàng .
guŏ lěng , duŏ zài jiā huò dào nuăn huo
de fang yóu .
Zài chūn qiū tiān , rén men yŏu gèng duō de wài
huó dòng , men gōng yuán , fàng fēng zheng , dào
wài yíng huò shān .            
Xià tiān , rén men zài hăi bīn xiăng shòu guāng shā
tān , huò yóu yŏng .

Dōng shī xiào pín

东 施 效 颦
To blindly imitate someone or something, often with ridiculous or negative consequences.

Dà jīng xiăo guài

【大惊小怪 】

To be alarmed at something apparently normal; to make a fuss about nothing

Dà shā fēng jĭng


To spoil the fun, mar the pleasure

Xiăo niăo yī rén


A term of endearment typically used on a loveable child.

Xiăo dù jī cháng


Small or narrow-minded

Huŏ shàng jiāo yóu


To pour oil on the fire; to make matters worse

Huŏ hăi dāo shān


A sea of flames and mountain of swords – describes severe trials and tribulations

zài xiāng wéi ,
客 ,
Mĕi féng jiā jié bèi qīn.
Yáo zhī xiōng dēng gāo chù,
Biàn chā zhū shăo rén.
Hé xié shè huì
和 谐 社 会 Harmonious society
Shù zì jiā tíng
数 字 家 庭 Digital family

Diàn zĭ dăo yóu

电 子 导 游

Electronic tour guide

Shŏu jī diàn shì

手 机 电 视

Mobile phone TV

Jìn kŏu dà piān

进 口 大 片

Imported movie; imported film

Hóng shāo lì zi jī

红 烧 栗 子 鸡

Chestnuts and chicken braised in brown sauce

Yú zhī yóu mài cài

鱼 汁 油 麦 菜

Green leafy vegetables fried in fish sauce

Cù liū tŭ dòu sī
醋 溜 土 豆 丝
Sliced potato fried with vinegar
Xiăo cōng bàn dòu fu
小 葱 拌 豆 腐
Bean curd mixed with chopped green onion
Yín yá niú ròu sī
银 芽 牛 肉 丝
Fried shredded beef with bean sprouts
Kŭ guā kòu pái gŭ
苦 瓜 扣 排 骨
Braised bitter gourd with spareribs
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