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Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area

Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area (TEDA) is one of earliest approved and best state-level development zones in China. It now has a developed area of 27 square kilometers.


Geographical Location
Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area (TEDA) is located to the southeast of Tianjin City, about 45 kilometers away from downtown and 140 kilometers from Beijing. TEDA enjoys easy access to North China, Northeast China and Northwest China. Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu expressway runs through TEDA and divides it into two parts, the financial, trading and residential area covering 8.5 square kilometers to the south and an industrial park spanning acreage of 24.5 square kilometers to the north. Beyond the zone there are also the Yat-sen Scientific Industrial Park, Microelectronics Industrial Park and Petrochemical Industrial Park.

The TEDA is of temperate monsoon climate with a yearly average temperature of 12 centigrade and an average annual rainfall of 602.9 milimeters.

Communication and Transportation
From TEDA, one can reach Beijing and Tianjin by the Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu expressway and railway. There are many highways leading to Tianjin. TEDA is 180 kilometers away from Beijing Capital International Airdrome, about 36 kilometers from Tianjin Binhai International Airdrome, which is China's largest air cargo terminal, and 4 kilometers from Tianjin New Harbor. Through nine trunk railroads and 10 highways, TEDA is accessible to the country's highway networks. The Shanhaiguan-Guangzhou Expressway and the Beijing-Fuzhou Expressway are not far away from the devleoment area. In addition, TEDA is only 2 kilometers away from Tianjin New Harbor by road, which is its closest port and about 5 kilometers by railway. The closest highway is Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu Expressway running through the area, the closest airport is Tianjin Binhai International Airport and closest railway station, Tianjin Railway Station is 50 kilometers away.

Tianjin New Harbor
As the largest freight terminal in North China, the harbor has an annual handling capacity of over 100 million tons, 2 million TEUs can be handled here each year, which will increase to 5 million TEUs by 2010. The port has freight exchanges with over 300 ports of 160 countries and regions in the world. With 47 container liner routes and nearly 200 international container liner routes, it is one of the container hubs in the world. With its 12-meter-deep two-way navigation channels, the port serves as the primary gateway of import and export for North China, Northeast China, and Northwest China.

Container Wharf
With 8 berths, the container wharf is capable of handling 1 million TEUs per year. The coal wharf has 6 berths with an annual capacity of 20 million tons. The bulk grain wharf has 2 berths with an annual loading capacity of 3.5 million tons. Nanjiang Oil Wharf now has 3 berths dedicated to petrochemicals with a capacity of 10 millions tons per year. Nanjiang coke berth can handle 50,000-ton ships. Nanjiang coal wharf has two berths - one for 35,000-ton vessels and the other for 50,000-ton class. And there are terminals for fertilizers, ore (100,000-ton), and non-metal ore (35,000-ton). The passenger pier handles 30,000-ton ships to domestic ports such as Dalian, Yantai and Longkou, and to international ports such as Kobe of Japan and Inchon of South Korea.

Mineral Resources
There are more than 30 varieties of proven resources ranging from metal ores, non-metal minerals, to fuels and geothermal energy. Metallic minerals include over ten varieties such as manganese boron ore, manganese, gold, tungsten, molybdenum, copper, zinc, and iron. Non-metallic minerals include limestone, barite, stratified rock, marble, purple clay argil, medical stone and others. Proven petroleum reserves are 450 million tons and natural gas reserves, 14 billion cubic meters.

Industrial Structure
Already in place are four pillar industries, including the electronic telecommunication sector headed by Motorola, Samsung and Sanyo, the food industry centered around Nestle and Dingxin, the optical-electromechanical integrated machinery manufacturing industry represented by Honeywell and SEW, and the bio-pharmaceutical sector led by GlaxoSmithKline and Novo Nordisk.

Administration Committee
Tel: 86-22-25201906
Fax: 86-22-25201412

(Source: Ministry of Commerce)

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