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State-owned Assets Reach 9,096.42 Billion Yuan
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The Chinese State-owned assets reached 9,096.42 billion yuan by the end of 1999, 10.6 percent more than one year ago. According to the Ministry of Finance, 6,674.84 billion yuan of the assets is in commercial sectors and 2,421.58 billion yuan in non-commercial sectors.

By the end of last year, 5,330.6 billion yuan of the State- owned assets was in 217,000 commercial and industrial enterprises and 801.04 billion yuan worth of assets in financial enterprises.

The State-owned assets also includes 101.5 billion yuan worth of assets in overseas enterprises, 441 billion yuan invested in construction projects, 1,855.7 billion yuan worth of assets in government institutions, 545.2 billion yuan in infrastructure development entities and 20.68 billion yuan in representative organs overseas.

(People's Daily)

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