47 Revisions Made in Draft Outlines

China's parliament, the National People's Congress (NPC), had solicited opinions from nearly 3,000 NPC deputies about the draft outlines of the 11th Five-Year Outlines and made 47 modifications, sources from the General Office of the NPC Standing Committee said Monday.

Expressions concerning more investment in rural areas, and in science and technology were finally added in the draft outlines of the plan after adopting the opinions of NPC deputies.

A total of 274 suggestions on the draft outlines were given by NPC deputies to the parliament and 47 revisions were made.

Other revisions involved the construction of new countryside, and the protection of biological safety of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

The outlines of the 11th Five-Year Outlines for national economic and social development began to be drafted in July 2003. In nearly three years, the State Council has held several seminars to solicit opinions from all walks of life.

The draft outlines are expected to be voted for approval at the last day of the Fourth Session of the 10th National People's Congress.

(Xinhua News Agency March 7, 2006)


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