China Opposes US Allowing Chang Chun-hsiung's Transit
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao demanded at a news conference on September 4, that the United States should abide by relevant promises, not to make official contacts or exchanges of any form with the Taiwan authorities.

As reported, US Department of State recently agreed that Chang Chun-hsiung, "premier" of Taiwan "Executive Yuan", may pass through New York, Miami, Los Angeles and Honolulu in his round trip to the Caribbean Sea in September.

China firmly opposes the United States allowing Chang Chun-hsiung to transit through four US cities disregarding the opposition from the Chinese side, Zhu said.

Currently, it is at a crucial moment for the Sino-US relations and to handle well the Taiwan issues is the key for a smooth development of the Sino-US relations. China demands that the U.S. government adhere to the "one-China" policy, the three China-U.S. joint communiqu�s and its related promises, and not to make official contacts or exchanges of any form with the Taiwan authorities, he said.

(People's Daily 09/05/2001)