After the end of the Cold War,
a series of achievements were made in the field of international arms
control, disarmament and non-proliferation. However, this momentum has
been hampered by a host of negative developments in recent years. In the
current situa-tion, it is vitally important to maintain the global strategic
balance and stability and the legal system governing international arms
control and disarmament. The existing legal system is an important component
of the global collective security framework centered around the United
Nations. The Chinese government is willing, together with the interna-tional
community, to contribute to the maintenance of the legal system for international
arms control and disarmament, and the advancement of the process of arms
control, disarmament and non-proliferation.
Nuclear Disarmament
China has consistently advocated the complete prohibition and thor-ough
destruction of nuclear weapons. On the very first day it came into possession
of nuclear weapons, China solemnly declared that at no time and under
no circumstances would it be the first to use such weapons. Later, China
undertook unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons
against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones, and has
consistently urged all nu-clear-weapon states to enshrine these commitments
in a legal form. China has always exercised utmost restraint on the development
of nuclear weapons, and its nuclear arsenal is kept at the lowest level
necessary for self-defense only. China holds that countries having the
largest nuclear arsenals bear a special and primary responsibility toward
nuclear disarmament, and that they should take the lead in drastically
reducing their nuclear arsenals and destroy the reduced nu-clear weapons.
China welcomes the new treaty signed by the US and Russia on the reduction
of their offensive strategic weapons, and hopes that these two countries
will adopt effective measures to en-sure the “verifiability”
and “irreversibility” of nuclear disarmament, and continue
to further the process of nuclear disarmament, so as to genuinely promote
world peace and stability.
The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) is an important
step taken in the process of nuclear disarmament. As one of the first
countries to sign the Treaty, China has always actively participated in
the work of the Preparatory Commission of the Treaty Organization, and
earnestly carried out the preparatory work for the implementation of the
Treaty in China. The Chinese government has submitted the Treaty to the
NPC Standing Committee for examination and approval. Together with the
international community, China is ready to work for the early entry into
force of the Treaty. China maintains that the con-clusion of a Fissile
Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) will help to accelerate the process
of nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation, and supports an
early start of the negotiations on such a Treaty on the basis of a comprehensive
and balanced work plan of the Conference on Disarmament (CD).
Chemical and Biological Disarmament
China has consistently advocated the complete prohibition and thor-ough
destruction of chemical weapons. As a State Party to the Chemical
Weapons Convention (CWC), China actively supports its purposes and
objectives and has conscientiously and strictly fulfilled all its obligations
under the Convention. China has set up a national author-ity for the implementation
of the Convention, and submitted its initial declaration and all sorts
of annual declarations in time. So far, China has accepted 55 inspections
by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), and
has co-sponsored, together with the OPCW, several training courses and
symposiums for inspectors.
Today, large quantities of chemical weapons abandoned by the Japa-nese
invaders still remain on Chinese soil. China urges Japan to earnestly
implement the obligations under the CWC for the destruc-tion of these
weapons, and expedite the pace of the relevant work in accordance with
the Memorandum on the Destruction of Japanese Abandoned Chemical Weapons
in China between the governments of China and Japan, so as to commence
as soon as possible the substan-tive part of the destruction process.
China has always stood for the complete prohibition and thorough de-struction
of biological weapons. China acceded to the Biological Weapons Convention
(BWC) in 1984, and has fully and conscien-tiously fulfilled its obligations
under the Convention. Since 1987, China has, on an annual basis, provided
the UN with information on confidence-building measures, in accordance
with the decisions of the Review Conferences of the Convention.
China supports the enhancement of the effectiveness of the BWC in a comprehensive
manner, and has actively participated in the work of the ad hoc group
of the states parties to the Convention set up for the nego-tiation of
a BWC protocol. China regrets that the protocol has not been reached as
scheduled and that the Fifth Review Conference of the Convention has had
to adjourn. China holds that the conclusion of a protocol with balanced
contents and effective measures through multi-lateral negotiations remains
the best way to enhance the effectiveness of the BWC. China is willing,
together with all other parties concerned, to continue to explore measures
along this line on the basis of the univer-sal participation of all countries
and within a multilateral framework.
Missile Defense and Prevention of an Arms Race
in Outer Space
China’s stand on the issue of missile defense is consistent and
clear-cut. China understands the relevant countries’ concern over
the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their means
of delivery. But, like many other countries, China holds that this issue
should be resolved through political and diplomatic means, with the common
efforts of the international community.
China regrets the abrogation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
(ABM). It is China’s consistent view that maintaining the global
stra-tegic stability and the international system of arms control, disarmament
and non-proliferation is vitally important and in confor-mity with the
fundamental interests of all countries. China hopes that the relevant
countries will heed the opinions of the international community, and act
prudently on the issue of missile defense. At the same time, China is
willing to conduct constructive dialogue with all the parties involved,
and make joint efforts to safeguard international peace and security.
China is concerned about certain countries’ joint research and
devel-opment of theater missile defense (TMD) systems with a view to their
deployment in the Northeast Asian region. This will lead to the prolif-eration
of advanced missile technology and be detrimental to peace and stability
in the Asia-Pacific region. China resolutely opposes any country which
provides Taiwan with TMD assistance or protection in any form.
Outer space belongs to all mankind, and the peaceful use of outer space
is the common aspiration of all humanity. At present, outer space is faced
with the danger of weaponization, and protection of outer space from weaponization
and an arms race has become a very urgent and realistic issue. The international
community should negoti-ate and conclude the necessary legal instrument
as soon as possible to prohibit the deployment of weapons in outer space
and the use or threat of use of force against objects in outer space,
so as to ensure peace and tranquility therein. China holds that the Conference
on Dis-armament in Geneva is the suitable place for negotiations on this
matter. China has submitted several working papers to the Conference,
putting forward its suggestions on the main points of a future interna-tional
legal instrument. In June 2002, China, Russia and some other countries
jointly submitted to the Conference a working paper titled Possible
Elements for a Future International Legal Agreement on the Prevention
of the Deployment of Weapons in Outer Space, the Threat or Use of Force
Against Outer Space Objects (Draft), setting forth their concept
on the general structure and concrete contents of such a document. The
above-mentioned working paper has received favor-able responses from many
countries. China hopes that the Conference will carry out substantive
work on this issue at an early date, and start negotiating an international
legal instrument, thus making positive ef-forts for the prevention of
the weaponization of outer space and an arms race therein.
Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
and Their Means of Delivery
China has always been opposed to the proliferation of WMD and their means
of delivery. It supports the international community’s active efforts
of non-proliferation, and has made its own contributions in this area.
China maintains that the efforts of non-proliferation should not be confined
to non-proliferation itself and should also include the identification
and resolution of its root causes. Establishing a fair and rational new
international order and realizing the universal improve-ment of international
relations are the fundamental way to eliminate the threat of WMD. Preventing
terrorist organizations and other non-state entities from obtaining WMD
is a common task confronting the international community. China is willing,
together with the inter-national community, to make common efforts for
the establishment of a fair, rational and effective multilateral non-proliferation
regime based on the participation of all countries.
China is a State Party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
Nu-clear Weapons (NPT). It has always abided by its obligations under
the Treaty, and pursues a policy of not advocating, not encouraging and
not engaging in the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and not helping
other countries to develop nuclear weapons. China has also formulated
three principles governing its nuclear exports: guarantees for peaceful
use only, acceptance of the safeguards of the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA), and no re-transfer to the third country without prior approval
of China. In order to strengthen its nuclear ex-port control mechanism,
China joined the Zangger Committee in 1997, and has established and improved
on its relevant domestic legal sys-tem. China promulgated, respectively
in September 1997 and June 1998, the Regulations on the Control of
Nuclear Export and Regula-tions on the Control of Nuclear Dual-Use
Items and Related Technologies Export, under which China exercises
control over the export of materials and technologies included in the
list of the Zang-ger Committee and the list of nuclear dual-use items
and technologies currently in use internationally. These regulations stipulate
that China’s nuclear exports shall be done exclusively by specialized
com-panies designated by the government, that a licensing system shall
be instituted for nuclear export, and that China shall not provide any
assistance to any nuclear facility which is not under the IAEA safeguards.
In order to strengthen the effectiveness of the IAEA safe-guard system
and fulfill its own non-proliferation obligations, China formally notified
the IAEA on March 28, 2002 that it had completed the domestic legal procedures
necessary for the entry into force of the Protocol Additional to the
Agreement Between China and IAEA for the Application of Safeguards in
China, and that the Protocol became ef-fective for China
on the same day. China was the first of the nuclear-weapon states to complete
the above-mentioned procedures.
China is in favor of IAEA making its contributions to the protection
against potential nuclear terrorist activities in accordance with pur-poses
and principles of its Statute, and will provide appropriate assistance
to the anti-terrorism activities of the Agency. Strengthening the physical
protection of nuclear facilities and material is conducive to nuclear
non-proliferation and prevention of nuclear terrorism. China has actively
participated in the revision of the Convention on the Physical Protection
of Nuclear Material, and is ready to make every effort to facilitate
this process.
China strictly adheres to its obligations under the CWC and BWC, and
will not in any way help or encourage any country to obtain chemical or
biological weapons. China has consistently adopted a prudent and responsible
attitude toward the export of chemicals or biological agents, as well
as related production equipment and technologies. To ensure that exports
of such material from China are not used for manufacturing chemical or
biological weapons, the Chinese govern-ment has promulgated and implemented
the Regulations of the PRC on the Administration of the Controlled
Chemicals, and the detailed rules for its implementation, thereby
placing the export of related ma-terial under stringent control. The Amendments
to the Criminal Law of the PRC promulgated in December 2001 designates
as criminal of-fenses such acts of endangering public security as using,
illegally manufacturing, trafficking, transporting and stockpiling radioactive
substances, toxic materials or infectious disease pathogens, and stipu-lates
corresponding penalties for these acts. In order to further strengthen
the export control of the chemicals and dual-use biological products and
related technologies and equipment, the Chinese govern-ment promulgated
in October 2002 the Measures on Export Control of Certain Chemicals
and Related Equipment and Technologies (includ-ing its control list),
the Regulations of the PRC on the Export Control of Dual-Use Biological
Agents and Related Equipment and Technolo-gies (including its control
list), and the newly revised Regulations of the PRC on the Administration
of Arms Export.
In recent years, the question of missile proliferation has aroused ex-tensive
concern in the international community. China also attaches great importance
to this issue. The international community should, on the basis of such
principles as non-discrimination and undiminished security for all countries,
seek a solution to this issue through dialogue and cooperation, including
exploring the possibility of establishing a new multilateral mechanism.
China supports the United Nations in its efforts to play an important
role in this field, and has actively partici-pated in the UN Group of
Governmental Experts on Missiles. China adopts an open attitude toward
the new proposals made by countries concerned, and has, with a constructive
stance, participated in inter-national discussions on the International
Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferation and the Proposal
on a Global System for Non-proliferation of Missile Technologies.
With respect to the prevention of missile proliferation, the Chinese government
has al-ways adopted a serious, conscientious and responsible attitude,
has not helped any country to develop ballistic missiles that can be used
to de-liver nuclear weapons, and has exercised strict control over the
export of missiles and related material and technologies. In August 2002,
the Chinese government formally promulgated the Regulations on the
Ex-port Control of Missiles and Missile-Related Items and Technologies
and its control list. This is a major measure taken by the Chinese gov-ernment
to implement its policy of missile non-proliferation, further tightening
control over the export of missiles and related material and technologies,
and strengthening the administration of exports on a legal basis. In the
future, China will, based on its own export control practice, continue
to improve its legal system of export control. It is also willing to enhance
exchanges and cooperation with all countries in this respect, actively
participate in the discussions concerning the international non-proliferation
mechanisms, and work for the final establishment of a fair, rational and
effective international non-proliferation regime.
Small Arms and Anti-Personnel Landmines
China has always treated seriously the issue of illicit trafficking and
excessive accumulation of small arms, and consistently taken a re-sponsible
attitude toward the manufacture and transfer of such arms. China has also
actively participated in the endeavors of the interna-tional community
in this regard. With a constructive attitude, China attended the UN Conference
on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects
in July 2001, and is taking actions to implement the Program of Action
adopted at the Conference. China has actively participated in the negotiations
of the Firearms Protocol to the UN Convention Against Transnational
Organized Crimes, making its contributions to the conclusion of the
Protocol. China is positively considering signing the Protocol.
Both the Law of the PRC on the Control of Firearms and the Regulations
of the PRC on the Admini-stration of Arms Export have contained detailed
stipulations on the manufacture, transportation, sales, equipment, and
entry and exit con-trol of firearms and ammunition, put in place strict
controls over the export of small arms and other military items, and laid
out severe pen-alties for violations. In 2001, China launched a nationwide
campaign to eliminate illegal firearms, in the course of which large quantities
of illegal firearms were confiscated and destroyed.
Since its ratification of the Amended Protocol II to the Convention
on Certain Conventional Weapons in 1998, China has continued to carry
out its commitment not to export anti-personnel landmines (APL) that are
not in conformity with the standards set out in the Protocol,
and has made considerable progress in other aspects of the implementation
of the Protocol. The PLA has held a number of training courses
on the Protocol. Relevant departments are now formulating a series
of rules and standards in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol,
in-cluding the state military standards related to the technical performance
of APLs and marking of minefields.
China continues to promote domestic and international mine clearance
efforts. China is now basically safe from landmine hazards on its own
territory. In 2001, China donated large quantities of demining equip-ment
to Cambodia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Mozambique, Rwanda, Namibia and Angola.
In 2002, it contributed more than US$ 3 million for in-ternational mine
clearance cooperation, mainly in aid to the demining operations in Eritrea
and Lebanon. Apart from providing the two countries with demining equipment,
China has sent a group of mine clearance experts to Eritrea to give on-the-spot