Archaeological Discoveries
in 2001
Archaeological Discoveries
in 2000
Top Ten Archaeological Finds
for 1999
Archaeological Discoveries
in 1999

Bridge Engraved With Dragon Heads Found in Sichuan

����A bridge with a dragon head engraved in each of its 11 piers has been found in Daqiao Village, Hejiang County, southwest China's Sichuan Province.

����This is another bridge of the same kind ever discovered in the southern part of Sichuan. The first one was found in Luxian County.

����The bridge in Hejiang is 30 meters long, 2.7 meters wide and 2.8 meters high. It has ten openings.

����The bridge dating back to 1003 years was built in the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), according to historical records.

����Except that some dragon heads were damaged, the bridge surface is still in good condition and the piers are solid.

����(Xinhua 04/02/2001)