Archaeological Discoveries
in 2001
Archaeological Discoveries
in 2000
Top Ten Archaeological Finds
for 1999
Archaeological Discoveries
in 1999

1,900-Year Old Tomb Excavated in Xianyang

����Chinese archaeologists have excavated an ancient tomb in Xunyi County of Xianyang City in Shaanxi Province.
����The brick tomb, dating back to the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), consists of a tunnel and four chambers, according to a local archaeologist.

����The identity of the occupant of the tomb is still under question, the expert said. The chamber walls are decorated with colored frescoes featuring various scenes of ancient life.

����To date, more than 30 square meters of the frescos have been treated with archaeological technology.

����Experts also unearthed 350 pieces of historical relics from the tomb.

����The discovery will provide valuable clues on the study of history and culture of the period.

(Xinhua 12/19/2000)