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Dalai clique is saboteur of Tibetans' peaceful life

One of China's leading newspapers, the Guang Ming Daily has published an article exposing the ulterior motives of the Dalai Clique. It has labelled the Dalai Clique as the saboteur of Tibetans' peaceful life under the cover of nationality.

Religious activities in Tibet back to normal

Religious activities in the Tibet Autonomous Region are back on track. Home to a number of ethnic groups, the region is proof of people's freedom of religion.

The past of Tibet

Tibet Diary by two foreigners

Tibet Diary has been awarded the Award of Distinction in Cinematography by The Videographer Awards. It has also won the Best Documentary Award by Aurora Awards in America in 2004.

Chinese gov't preserving Tibet´s cultural relics

The Chinese government is preserving 22 historical and cultural relics in the southwestern Tibet Autonomous Region.

French Ambassador: Tibet inalienable part of China is clear

French Ambassador to China Herve Ladsous said he regrets the attack on Chinese torchbearer Jin Jing during the Olympic torch relay in Paris. He also said the French government position is "clear" that Tibet is an inalienable part of China, and that the French government has never supported "Tibet independence".

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